Amazon has the 6-Pack 10oz Tata Raasa Regal Chickpea Tikka for $14 - 5% off with Subscribe & Save = $13 with free shipping for Prime members or on $35+.
Amazon has the 6-Pack 10oz Tata Raasa Regal Chickpea Tikka for $14 - 5% off with Subscribe & Save = $13 with free shipping for Prime members or on $35+.
Amazon has the 18-Pack of REESE'S FAST BREAK Peanut Butter Nougat Candy Bars (1.8oz each) for $12 with free shipping on $35+ or with Prime. Has excellent Amazon Reviews.
Amazon has the 6-Pack POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice for $14 with free shipping on $35+ or with Prime. Every 16oz POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice has as much potassium as a medium banana. Potassium is an electrolyte key to muscle function. It’s music to your muscles.
Has excellent Amazon Reviews.
Amazon is offering Up to 50% off Amazon Outlet Overstock Grocery Deals including candy. chips, nuts, spices, and more. Shipping is free for Prime members or on $35+.
Amazon has the 24-Count 2.75oz MoonPie Chocolate Double Decker Pie for $9.78 with free shipping for Prime members or on $35+. Has good Amazon Reviews.